Thursday, June 11, 2009

A Simple Existence

Ahh, northern California. Sonoma County. Redwood trees, birds and wildflowers. This morning I awoke to blue skies without a trace of fog.

A warm patch of sun enveloped the back wood deck so I unrolled my yoga mat and began an early morning stretch. The sun comfortably blinded me me so I kept my eyes closed while I focused on deep breaths. Somehow I could sense something was watching me, and it wasn't Emma dog. I peered one eye open and saw a trio of deer at the edge of the meadow staring at me with their ears perked and perfectly still. But then the strangest thing happened. A large doe crept closer to me, prancing almost, showing off her sides before stopping and staring again. I wondered why they didn't bolt away. I was doubly shocked that Emma remained in a deep snooze while these giant creatures shared our space. But I suppose it didn't really matter why. I simply watched the deer watch me while my yoga session gently came to a close. No sooner than my head dropped down and hands came together in a namaste bow than the deer turned and pranced away, almost as if on cue.

This is now a time of reflection for me. Andy and I have experienced life in 22 countries in 15 months and there is so much to digest! Taking the time to refocus and recenter feels just right at the moment. I am finding gifts in life all around me to the point of overwhelm. So I sit, stretch and breathe, downloading what is all around me, basking in its warm patch of sun.


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