
The rest our our time in Christchurch was enjoyable. We wouldn't have stayed as long as we had (5 days) but Dood needed the help and offered to pay us some. Plus, Heather and Dood's sister Alyce were coming into town and we wanted to catch up with them for a bit as well. We worked hard, laughed and ate wonderful meals as the place started to come together more and more each day.
From there, we headed north to Hanmer Springs, a lovely little alpine town with thermal pools. That's right where we went first - an outdoor facility with a dozen or more pools that has varying temperatures and elements in each. Ahh, just what the doctor ordered after all that hard work and no shower for a couple of days! Unfortunately it was out of commission at the Christchurch place down the stretch. Anyway, we read our books for a couple hours in the 37 degree (celcius, that is) pool which was the perfect sitting temperature. We found a cabin for the night since it was freezing (literally) but this one had no electricity which was kinda crazy but cozy nonetheless. I had a nice jump on the trampoline with a giant smile on my face - I forgot how much fun that is, even as an adult! (Remember the movie BIG?) The next morning we headed into the exotic alpine forests and enjoyed a nice walk and a good hike up a hill that afforded a 360 degree view of the valley and surrounding mountains. I am telling you, this country is unbelievably picturesque at every single turn and most times we just stumble upon these vistas. There aren't too many alpine forests in New Zealand so this was enjoyable to come across especially when I spotted some redwoods, my favorite tree.
After a nice picnic lunch (refer to Andy's meals blog entry:) in a park in town we headed north to Kaikoura. Since it was getting dark and cooler by the minute, we took a quick hike along the coastal cliff for views of what marine mammal? Yes, the fur seal. I have seen hundreds of these but no damn penguins! Ah well I will get over it. The views of the rocky coastline with bright blue turquoise ocean was a beautiful contrast against the grey clouds. Private land owners often allow tracks to traverse their property with a stairstep up an over the fence. This being the case here, rolling green hills out as far as the eye can see flanked us on the opposite side. Such Mary Poppins beauty! Our holiday park for the night had a couple hot tubs, so we enjoyed the tub warmth for the second day in a row before dinner.
Personally speaking, things are going really, really well all things considered. It feels as though a positive energy is flowing to us and from us. The clean air has done wonders for my sinuses and our health overall has been perfect really (with the exception of sandfly bites!). Andy and I are enjoying each other's company as husband and wife as well as friends and companions. We celebrate our 2-year anniversary on May 6 and are continuing to discover more about each other daily even after 7 years together. Of course it can be trying at times being together 24/7, but I always remember what my Grandma and Granddad always say - the key is communication! How cliche but so true. It's certainly been a journey of self-discovery as well but my gosh, from what had happened so far I couldn't have scripted a better experience.
Now we are in Blenheim in Marlborough Sounds - Sauvignon Blanc region. We are a bit late to taste today, so that is on the docket for tomorrow via bike if the weather holds. Now some research on the Queen Charlotte Track before we depart for the 4-day backpacking trip on Monday morning. I am both nervous and excited, as I haven't done a multi-day trip like this covering such a distance. And with the recent inclement weather...there is no doubt this will push our comfort zone but what the hell. This entire trip is pushing our comfort zone. Wish us luck!
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