Belgium: Beer and French Fry Heaven
We began in a village just outside of Antwerp called Zwijndrect. Andy's friend Thomas (from work), his wife Mathilde, two dogs and a cat live there in a quaint "smurf house" as they called it. (Photo Album.) They introduced us to the most delicious French fries I have ever tasted. And I don't even eat French fries! Why are they so good? They are deep fried twice. And somehow they are tasty with a load of mayonnaise on top. It tastes different than mayo from America - the Belgian mayo is creamier and less mayonnaise-y somehow.
Next, Belgian beer to wash down those frites. Duvel ("Devil"), Hoogarten (white), Bolleke and Kriek (cherry) to start. Most Belgian beers seem to have over 9% alcohol. Now that's bang for your buck! The very best experience, however, was our excursion to Brugge. (Photo Album.) It's a perfectly preserved medieval canal city with more than 200 beers that each have their own special glass with a special shape to maximize the beer's qualities.
Definitely a sipping beer that leaves a delicious taste...and buzz.
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