Bula from Fiji! We are safe and sound here at the Beach House Backpacker Resort (check the links to the right to see it). After 8 hours of sleep on the red eye, we are both feeling good to go. All day it has felt later than it is - we had 3 breakfasts today. It seemed like the morning would not pass but we were not complaining that's for sure! We arrived before dawn in Nadi and waited until 7am to take a 2 1/2 hour bus ride to this unbelievable backpacker's paradise. We have a private "Garden Room" that simply has a bed, dresser and hooks. {Stacy}
Set on the southern coastline, this place rocks! Packed with overgrown foliage as far as one can see, the place is just what the Dr ordered. A hot humid day relaxing on the beach, in the water and in the shade of a large palm has quickly turned into a tropical rainstorm, wow its coming down now!! It must be raining cats and dogs because low and behold there is a yellow lab named Lucy and her black Labrador boy toy living on the property. All we need now is a chocol---, well, that is a whole nother heartache. But truly Emma is in great hands and we are feeling great about that. I can say that frolicking in the 2' deep low tide with these 2 as they romp for fish has been fun and medicinal. We have met a number of wonderful foreigners, oh wait, we are now in that grand majority I suppose. The hostel (its hard to call it that though - seems more like a grand resort for sure) is packed with europeans, aussies, and guess what, I think Stacy and I are 2 of 3 or 4 Americanos! Are you shocked!? It appears we have a place to hang our hats in Brisbane when the time comes. It is truly a wonderful cultural experience and its only Day 1! We miss our great family and friends, but please feel good in the fact that we haven't thought too much about you during this initial venture :) . I'm sure those days will come however. {Andy}
More Fijian insights from the Berglons to come...
Andy - Please include pic of Stacy's feet next time. Yours looked fabulous though. The hotel looks great. Looks like you can walk out about a 1/2 mile in the surf (?). Hope the weather cooperates 4 you. Understand your thoughts about E-dog. I'm sure she misses U too. Take care you 2. Luv from Pas. - DAD
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